Our Great Heritage, Volume 2Author: Lyle W Lange - EditorThis is volume two of a three-volume anthology of doctrinal essays that preserves our great heritage. Section 1: God Created and Still Preserves The World; Section 2: Man is the Fallen Crown of God's Creation; Section 3: God Established Marriage and Government For The Good of His Creation; Section 4: Jesus Christ is the Mediator of Salvation. Contributors: J P Meyer, S Becker, A Pieper, P E Kretzman, R Preus, R Hoenecke, W Mueller, H Kirsten, P Peters, J Raabe, H Vogel, G Lillegard, R C Ehlke, J Brug, W Gawrisch, R Balge, G Struck, H Koch. 640 pages. Hardcover. Published 1991.