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The American Muhammad - Joseph Smith, Founder of Mormonism - Unveiling Parallels between  Two Self-Proclaimed Prophets, by Alvin J. Schmidt

The American Muhammad - Joseph Smith, Founder of Mormonism

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Soon after Joseph Smith, Jr., founded the Mormon Church in 1830, newspaper editors called him “the American Mahomet,” “Modern Mahomet,” or “Yankee Mahomet.” In The American Muhammad Alvin Schmidt has undertaken the challenging but informative task of documenting, discussing, and analyzing over seventy parallels that exist between Smith and Muhammad. He cites valid arguments why parallels between noteworthy individuals in history need to be studied in order to understand why they engaged in similar acts that left major marks in history. This fascinating book provides many facts not commonly known about Joseph Smith and Muhammad and will help readers see and understand how the teachings of these two men contradict biblical Christianity.

Alvin J. Schmidt, MDiv, PhD, is professor of sociology emeritus at Illinois College, Jacksonville, IL, and a fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. He is the author of numerous books, including the award-winning Fraternal Organizations (1980); The Menace of Multiculturalism (1997); and How Christianity Changed the World (2004).

What Others Are Saying

  • No one is in a better position to identify the parallels between Islam and Mormonism—and their radical difference as compared with creedal Christianity. —John Warwick Montgomery, PhD, DTheol, LLD, Distinguished Research Professor of Philosophy and Christian Thought, Patrick Henry College
  • At a time when Christianity is under assault worldwide, this painstakingly researched and superbly written account of seventy parallels between the founders of two thriving socio-political faiths, Islam and Mormonism, should be compulsory reading for all. —Uwe Siemon-Netto, PhD, DLitt, Director, Center for Lutheran Theology & Public Life
  • A must-read for everyone who wants to understand Joseph Smith and Muhammad. —Ted Baehr, JD, LHD, Founder and Publisher of MOVIEGUIDE®: The Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment
  • The American Muhammad is a well-written and scholarly book—fascinating, well-researched, and eye-opening! —Bill Federer, Author of What Every American Needs to Know about the Qur’an, Frequent guest on radio and TV programs
  • [Schmidt’s] conclusions are very thought-provoking, and are sure to spark considerable discussion among scholars and laymen alike. Serious researchers as well as curious readers will find many topics of interest among the dozens of parallels Dr. Schmidt has pointed out here. —Lane A. Thuet, Co-Author of What Every Mormon (and Non-Mormon) Should Know, Born LDS and raised in Salt Lake City as a Mormon for 22 years


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