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C.F.W. Walther: The American Luther
Essays in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Carl Walther’s Death
Edited by Arthur H. Drevlow, John M. Drickamer, and Glann E. Reichwald
Walther is evidence of the power of God’s Word to each generation

C.F.W. Walther: The American Luther

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Essays in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Carl Walther's Death

Edited by Arthur H. Drevlow, John M. Drickamer, and Glann E. Reichwald

Walther is evidence of the power of God's Word to each generation. Walther found keen insights for his day in the powerful message of both the Old and New Testament. In his writings we find that power focused for us one hundred years later.

Mr. Robert Storm, MA
Executive Director
Lutheran High School Association
Orange, California


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